5113-5s Heat exchanger with Stainless Steel Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to 26,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate 85,000 Btu to 240,000 Btu 25kw - 70kw
Comes with stat pocket
Pool Capacity 120m3
Bowman Solar Heat Exchangers
These heat exchangers are used in conjunction with solar panels to heat swimming pools.
The design of these units allows for the reduced water temperature from solar heating compared with the hotter temperatures from traditional boilers
Bowman heat exchangers are manufactured with stainless steel tubes and corrosion resistant covers on both ends which are suitable for use all types of pool and spa water with chlorine water, they are also suitable for therapeutic pools and spas. They are easy to maintain as both end covers and centre tube can be e removed for easy cleaning, this is unique to Bowman design.
For additional technical details about our solar heat exchangers please see our swimming pool heat exchanger leaflet in pdf
please see pages 10-14 for the solar heat exchanger details.
Download pdf

Bowman Pool Heat Exchangers are also available with a thermostat pocket which enables a thermostatic probe to be fitted directly into the end cover.

Heat exchangers can be mounted either vertically or horizontally
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