Water Lily® Oil RemoverBox of 6
Fat substances and wastes such as oils and sun lotions, pollution found on the surface of the spa, hot tubs and swimming pools are responsible for the scum line more or less important at the level of the watermark and of a visible dark line inside the skimmers because of circulation of water, they tend to concentrate .
Settled on the surface of water in the skimmer, WATER LILY® absorbs and retains the fat substances brought back by the water circulation. Within a period of time, the fibrous material of WATER LILY® is coloured of a more or less sunk brown, which testifies of the absorption of the involved pollutants.
WATER LILY® is a disposable product which must be changed every month or more frequently if necessary according to the bathing frequency and the environment of the basin.
Absorbs oils and creams
Protection of the waterline
Purification of the surface water
Absorbing action until saturation