5113-5c Heat exchanger with Cupronickel Tubes
Suitable for swimming pools and spas up to 26,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate 85,000…
Bowman Solar Heat Exchangers
511-5c Heat exchanger with Cupronickel Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to 40,000…
5113-3c Heat exchanger with Cupronickel Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to11,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate 30,000 Btu…
5113-5s Heat exchanger with Stainless Steel Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to 26,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate…
Bowman Solar Heat Exchangers
5114-5s Heat exchanger with Stainless Steel Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to…
5113-3s Heat exchanger with Stainless Steel Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to11,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate 30,000…
5113-5t Heat exchanger with Titanium Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to 26,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate 85,000…
Bowman Solar Heat Exchangers
5114-5t Heat exchanger with Titanium Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to 40,000…
5113-3t Heat exchanger with Titanium Tubes
Suitable for swimmings pools and spas up to11,000 gallons
Heat transfer rate 30,000 Btu…